Published Sep 14, 2024
Thoughts/Observations On Loss To Missouri
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Kevin Stone  •  EagleAction
Staff Writer

Well, the CFP dream isn't dead, but it certainly took a hit on Saturday.

What started out like another special day turned south quickly as the No. 6 Tigers took down No. 24 BC (SCORE). I've had vertigo all week and still do (never had it before, man this absolutely sucks I wouldn't even wish it on Eli or this loser Tiger fan base) so I'm going to make this short and sweet...

Lack of run and screen game was puzzling

After that first drive that was extremely similar to the FSU scoring drive early in that game, BC's run game vanished. That's partially a credit to Missouri's strong defensive front, but the Eagles seemed to kind of abandon it as well. In total, BC only had 46 yards on the ground and also never even attempted a screen. With guys like Kye, Ward, Jones, Turbo and even Jordan McDonald, it's puzzling they didn't try it once the Tigers started making stops.

Cook and Burden were the real deal, but it's the run defense that's most alarming

Credit where it, Cook and Burden had really good days, but the lack of a run defense was and is alarming going forward. Mizzou torched BC on the ground for 180ish, but it was the ones on first and second down that were the killers. Mizzou seemingly never had a negative play on first down when running the ball. This was the first game BC was really tested in that department and it was a giant F.

Old TC returned

When Tommy made the smart, quick-thinking play to Harris I thought we were in for another 'this is the new TC' day. Instead, the two interceptions were bad balls and even worse decisions. Granted, the second one he was flushed, but he under threw Skeete (who didn't have a great day either). Hopefully, this staff is able to get him to flush it and we see the new and improved TC next Saturday under the lights at home. It's also surprising he's staying in the pocket as long as he is. Like, it was clearly a point of emphasis throughout camp, but in game situations I'd like to see him take off earlier.

Special teams an issue?

Still getting nothing in the return game, still have a kicker who's never attempted a field goal in his life and I have absolutely no idea what to make of the punter position at this point. Again, as I said at halftime there was no indication Candotti would be out this week, so it's something to watch moving forward. But, overall, as a unit this group needs to give the team more.

Penalties and third downs a problem

Third down was a problem both on O and D in this one and even though Mizzou was still absurdly undisciplined (that was Hafley esque), the Eagles shot themselves in the foot a few times or couldn't get off the field on third down. The Tigers were a ridiculous 11-19 while BC was just 4-11. Once again, this is the first time we've seen this kind of stuff, so it'll be interesting to see how they respond.

Good way to find out how this team responds to adversity

The Eagles literally haven't faced any until now. Showed some good fight late, but it wasn't enough. Michigan State rolls in and everyone is going to be leaping off the bandwagon as fast as possible now, especially nationally. I think we all have faith in Bill O'Brien and this staff to have the guys locked in and ready to roll next week, but this will be the first time we see whether or not they let things snowball.
