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Q&A With Vinny DePalma During Bowl Prep

No one has had worse luck when it comes to bowls then Vinny DePalma.

The longest tenured Eagle, DePalma has seen just about every bowl game he's ever been apart of have some sort of awkward circumstances surrounding it, whether it's been before or during the game.

DePalma is looking forward to playing in a 'normal' bowl game to wrap up his BC career. Late last week, he met with the media for a few minutes to talk prepping for it and some other things. Here's what he had to say...

On SMU's high powered offense and if the team has started looking at them yet

"A little bit. We haven't fully dove into them yet, but we know they're really good. We know they've got like seven or eight receivers with over 20 catches, over 300 yards receiving, so that just speaks to how they play team football. The coach has done a great job there, he's an offensive guy and he's got them humming over the last couple of years. I think it'll be a great challenge. It's not necessarily one guy that jumps out, but they play great team football and have had success for a reason."

On playing in Fenway

"Yeah, I'm a Yankee fan, so I don't know if they're going to let me in the park. But, no, I'm really excited. It's a historic place, the oldest professional stadium in the United States. I've been there for some games, been there for some concerts, it's a great venue. Never got to play there and I'm really excited. I think it'll be good. My family will be able to come up with another game in Boston, but playing in Fenway is pretty cool, pretty special."

On his career at BC and what he'll tell his grandkids about the experience

"It's just a really special place to me, to my family. I've been really, really lucky. I've had unbelievable teammates, unbelievable coaches. I've said this before, but in recruiting they tell you the one thing that makes BC special is the people and that held true, for sure. Those relationships...I'll have kids, grandkids one day and hopefully I'll still have relationships and they'll have relationships with the people that I met here and are part of my life, part of their life. I think that's what makes football special, is the relationships. My dad's a high school football coach and I've grown up around his players he's still close with and I've become close with. I think that's what makes you fall in love with the game, just being around like-minded, special people. People that make you better. People that make you want to be better for others. That's the mission of this school and I think it's the great part of this place and the great part about the football program."

On NIL and transfer portal

"It's nuts. It's crazy. It's much, much different even from think about when the Tyrell Pryor stuff happened in 2010 or 2011. He got suspended for the year for signing a jersey. 10 years later, everyone's allowed to sign jerseys, make a lot of money. In another 10 years who knows where we'll be. So, I think it moves faster than we think and even this week, you saw some stuff proposed. We'll see where it goes."
