football Edit

Garwo, DePalma Don't Take Being Named Captains For Granted

CHESTNUT HILL - Vinny DePalma and Pat Garwo have seen and done just about all there is to see and do at BC when it comes to football.

Still, that doesn't mean that being named a captain isn't still emotional for them. Both guys - along with Christian Mahogany and Donovan Ezeiruaku - were voted as the 2023 team captains by their teammates. Jeff Hafley announced it Monday and both Garwo and DePalma spoke about what it meant to them afterwards.

"It means a lot," said Garwo. "Two years back-to-back, it means a lot that my teammates see me as that leader. We all strive to be leaders of ourselves in this program while trying to bring people along. I'm happy my teammates see me as someone that does that. We have a lot of great captains and a lot of great leaders on the team, so I think this year, you'll see leadership come from every aspect, top to bottom. It doesn't matter. Everyone leads their class, everyone leads their position. It really is an honor to be a captain again this year."

"I think any time you get a vote of confidence from your teammates, it means the world," added DePalma. "The guys you're with in the locker room, you're with them every day. The have a relationship with them, but you're with the players almost 24-7. Whether it's off the field, in the dorms with them or going out around Boston with them...getting something to eat with them. They see how you work every day. I think having the respect of your teammates is very fortunate. I have tremendous teammates. I'm very grateful for this place, grateful for Boston College, grateful for the people in this room and it means the world to me to get their vote of confidence."

I followed up and asked DePalma if he still gets surprised by how much love his teammates show him after all these years.

"It's kind of in the back of your mind every day. I've got to earn respect every day, right? You know that when you're an older guy on the team, a leader on the team, that there's a lot of people looking up to you. You're supposed to represent this place, this team the right way. So, yeah, whenever you hear your name called, it's exciting. To get that nod from your teammates, It's just something you go out and try to earn every day."
