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Donovan Ezeiruaku Q&A After Day 1 Of Spring Ball

One of BC's most important senior leaders on defense is back this season and excited for this new chapter.

Donovan Ezeiruaku was all smiles following Day 1 of spring ball under Bill O'Brien. Here's what he had to say to the media afterwards...

On what the first day was like

"Day one, it was refreshing. It was refreshing to get back out on the field. We had a bowl game obviously, played in that, it's been a pretty good winter working out in the weight room. Just getting back to football, that's always refreshing."

On what was different with Bill O'Brien in charge compared to last year

"Different styles of course, but guys are...we're all embracing it. Get into it, just want to keep our heads down and keep working, that's all."

On if it helps being able to practice against the style of QB they'll face a good amount this season

"Yeah, of course. Just having a great look every single day when you come in and step on that football field. It prepares you for what you're going to face during the season. It's good. We've got Tommy who can throw the ball and he can run the ball. We've got other guys who might sit in the pocket a little longer, other guys who are more runners. It's a great look."

On his reaction to Hafley leaving & then the initial reaction upon learning about O'Brien

"Coach did what he had to do. When we heard that it was Coach O'Brien, guys were in the group chat talking about it, sending all the tweets and the speculation, things like that. So, we were pretty much like everyone else in that situation. But, it was good to hear we were bringing in a guy of Coach O'Brien's caliber. It was exciting."

On if guys were nervous about his 'teapot' reputation on the sideline sometimes

"No, me personally, I like to make my own...give my own opinion on someone from my own experiences. Yeah, I heard it. You might see the clips and all that, but what's my experience is going to be my experience."

On what it's been like with BOB so far

"It's been good. Pretty good open communication. I've definitely gone up to his office a few times, had pretty long conversations. We've talked and it's been good, it's been good so far."

On O'Brien meeting each player individually

"Yeah, that's also refreshing to see because not every coach does that. Not every soon as they come into a new team and guys are kind of confused on what's going on, not every coach will take the time out of his day to meet with a hundred-something guys. So, that was really good to see. It's a good feeling, a great way to build trust and him letting us know that his door is always open for us as well. That's another part of that trust building."

On the importance of having a ton of the roster back

"It's really good. Young guys, well, not really younger guys...more seasoned guys are going into their third or fourth year. Adding those pieces that we added this offseason, that'll be a good look as well, great competition every single day. So, it'll be good."

On how he views his role as a tone setter and leader

"Similar to previous years. Just being a leader on and off the field and giving my all every single down, every single play. Just being that example for other guys."

On working with new DC Tim Lewis

"It's been good. Definitely learning as well, certain things we're doing different, certain things we're doing the same. So, it's been good so far."

On if Horsley is taking over the old man Vinny DePalma role

"Yeah, we could say so, yeah."

On his level of optimism

"Very optimistic. Very, very, very optimistic. I'm excited to see what the future holds as we all are, honestly. Especially with the pieces we have...certain things changing, certain things staying the same, but definitely excited to see what the future holds."

On adjusting to a new coach

"It's definitely tough. I kind of thought about it like, 'oh, this is kind of the same as if you were to transfer,' like everybody is new, except for the players obviously. But, the adjustment is interesting. You just have to buy-in, honestly. That was the message to myself, that was the message to the guys about. You just have to buy-in and embrace the change."
