Published May 14, 2024
BC Targets Watts & Hall Impress At Dexter Southfield Showcase
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Kevin Stone  •  EagleAction
Staff Writer

Last year, Connecticut and Massachusetts prep school coaches joined forces to create local 'Showcase Days' so coaches from around the country could get a close up look at talent.

Year 2 kicked off on Monday in CT and continued bright and early at 6 AM in Deerfield on Tuesday. Local schools hosted 45-minute work outs with hundreds of coaches from elite schools (Michigan, Penn State, Michigan State, Tennessee, Duke just to name a few) and a handful of BC coaches have been making the rounds too.

I chatted with defensive coordinator Tim Lewis for a bit at Dexter Southfield and he jokingly told me he asked Bill O'Brien if he could start flying around the country again for recruiting (something he didn't plan on doing), as it would be less travel than what he's done the last 24 hours in CT and in MA. Lewis, Will Lawing and Jonathan DiBiaso were the coaches representing the Eagles.

The two guys drawing the most attention from all the coaches were junior offensive lineman Hardy Watts and sophomore offensive and defensive lineman Anthony Hall. For big guys, their speed and agility glaringly stands out during drills, particularly in pass protection. BC has already offered both and following the event, coaches from Penn State, Michigan State, BC and others crowded around waiting to touch base with both guys. I overheard one coach from MSU telling Hall that he was about to 'blow up nationally.'

I spoke with both guys following the event and particularly asked about their interactions with the Eagles. Those can be found below:

Hardy Watts interview

Anthony Hall interview

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18 - 15
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8 - 12
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