Published Oct 4, 2022
What Did Clemson's Coaches Say About BC?
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Andy Backstrom  •  EagleAction

Clemson head coach Dabo Swinney previewed his team's Saturday night road trip to Boston College Tuesday. The day before that, Tigers offensive coordinator Brandon Streeter and defensive coordinator Wes Goodwin talked to reporters about what the Eagles present on both sides of the ball.

Here's what the three coaches said about BC, leading up to the Week 6 bout under the lights of Alumni Stadium.



Opening Statement: "Boston College is always one of the toughest teams we play. Every year. I have a ton of respect for this program, their coaches. Coach Hafley does an amazing job. It was a 19-13 game last year, 13-13 in the fourth quarter. It seems like every year it’s a real battle. This is one of the most physical games we play every year. They take a lot of pride in their style of play and how they play, from a physicality standpoint. We’ve gotta play well. It all starts in practice and how you prepare. The details. … Boston College is a tough place to play. National TV, Red Bandana Game. There will be a lot of juice for their home game, so very important that we really do a good job getting ready mentally this week for what we gotta do to win the game.

"But they are led by a great quarterback. Another one, every week—every week, there’s a guy that’s going to be playing on Sunday. And [Phil] Jurkovec’s been there a while. He’s been a load for us. Last year, we did a pretty good job in the run game, but they big play’d us to death. Just hit a lot of explosives on us, especially in the first half there. We had a couple big play busts. And credit them, from a scheme standpoint, as far as how they go about creating explosives with their personnel groups. It’s a little bit different style of play this week. Some 11, some 12, some 13-personnel. A lot of max pro shots, where there’s long double moves, layered routes, cross-country routes. Bunch of motions and bunch sets. Moving the pocket, boots, big tight ends.

"But ‘Where’s Waldo’: You’ve gotta find No. 4. I mean, he’s as good of a player as there is in college football. This kid is a great, great, great player. And it’s not real complicated. I mean, they’re gonna get him the ball 10 or 15 times.

"They scored against Louisville last week. They get in the red zone the first time, and they call a double pass. And they cover it way over there. And he sees it’s covered. He just pulls it down and runs around for a touchdown. It was a great call, right? That’s what he does. He’s one of them guys that makes bad calls into great calls. Like no, no, no, go, go, go, go. That’s who Zay Flowers is. He’s a great player. He’s a problem. Good coaches are going to find a way to get him the ball over and over and over. It might be a negative play, a negative play, but they’re going to keep getting the ball to the playmaker. He’s a dude. He is outstanding. He’s a great route runner. So we’ve got our hands full with him. No. 1 (Jaelen Gill) is a heck of a player. And 0 (Jaden Williams). And then the big tight end, Takacs, he’s a big 6-foot-6+ guy that they’re going to involve as well.

"Very impressed with their running backs. 24 (Pat Garwo III) played against us last year. Garwo, he’s a physical downhill, runs tough. And 20 (Alex Broome) is kind of more of the same, he just has another gear, as far as really being able to really take it to the house if you get him in the open field. I think they’ve got a couple of outstanding backs. I think they played their best game last week against Louisville. They played with a lot of juice. They played with a lot of toughness. Jurkovec made some plays, big throws down the field. They hit Zay for two massive touchdowns on corner past, throwback type routes. Just again, you’ve gotta play with a lot of discipline against these guys and make sure that you can handle them—all the formations and shifts and all that type of stuff and how they’re going to create leverage for their playmakers.

"They’re big and strong up front. 97 (Marcus Valdez), 93 (Chibueze Onwuka), 96 (Cam Horsley) and then that No. 6 (Donovan Ezeiruaku)—who was a freshman for them last year—he is twitchy, he is athletic, he can change direction. All those guys play incredibly hard. All the backers are back. … So very veteran group at linebacker, and three starters back in the secondary as well. Well coached, they believe in their scheme and what they do. And they know how to execute it.

"They’ve lost a couple guys on the offensive line, so they’re not as experienced there. But, hey, we’re going into game six. So they’ve had a chance to kind of play themselves into a good group, and you saw that last week with a huge win over Louisville."

Q: Coach, you’ve mentioned that it’s the Red Bandana Game. How special is it to you that BC always seems to choose your game to honor the sacrifice of Welles Crowther?

"First of all, it’s an amazing tribute that they do for him. I’ve had the opportunity to meet his family. In fact, I still have a red bandana. It’s in my brief case. Right now, today. It’s been in my brief case for years. One of those things that’s stuck down in there—every time I go to find my charger, I see the red bandana. It’s just something I’ve always held on to. I have a lot of admiration for who [Welles] was but also just his family and then just how Boston College has shined that light on that sacrifice, year in and year out."

Q: New offensive coordinator in John McNulty. Do you think it took him a few games to get into a rhythm offensively?

“I just think they’ve had a lot of personnel changes. Up front, in particular. When you don’t have a lot of continuity up front, there’s challenges. That’s what we had last year. That’s been the biggest thing this year. We’ve been able to have continuity. Every week, it was musical chairs up front. It just affects everything. It’s amazing how the plays work better when you’ve got continuity and consistency up front.

"... They played a really good football game last week. They battled. They were physical. Those backs, huge explosive plays. Jurkovec got involved with his legs. … Here in 20, we couldn’t tackle him. He ran over us and through us that whole game. So he’s a guy—you just saw him really get in rhythm. He made some huge plays, he was accurate. They dropped a couple balls, too, that could have led to some more. You just saw them play with a lot more consistency up front, a lot more continuity. Having a chance to play through some things."

OC Brandon Streeter

Q: What does Boston College’s defense present to you this week?

"Boston College is always a tough, physical football team. That’s the first thing that comes to mind when I think of Boston College. That’s what they take pride in. And that’s why they’re a tough unit. Coach Hafley’s done a great job on the defensive side of the ball of really keeping it simple. A lot of one high stuff, mixture of some two high, but they mix in man and zone, which makes it difficult to figure out, ‘Hey, are they in man or are they in zone?’ And so we’ve gotta do a great job of having some complementary plays there. But they’re a tough group. They work their tails off, effort group and then they’ve got a lot of experience back. I think eight or nine guys are back from last year. They’re guys that know how to play the positions. They’re very disciplined, and they don’t have many busts. So that’s something that we gotta challenge our guys on is our execution. They’re gonna execute on defense. We’ve gotta execute on offense to offset that."

DC Wes Goodwin

Q: What does Boston College’s offense present this week?

"It’s going to be a great challenge. It will be a great environment. Night game up there, Red Bandana Game. Just another stepping stone for us as a team. Win the week, 1-0. Last year, I think they threw for 311 yards on us. Veteran quarterback, played really well last week so that will be a huge challenge. Zay Flowers is as good a receiver in this conference—he’ll be a huge challenge for our back seven. Couple of other guys who are really good players. It all starts up front, winning the line of scrimmage and dominating up front. And then obviously controlling explosive plays in the back end."

Q: It always seems like Boston College has one of the largest offensive lines in the ACC and college football. Is that the case again this year?

"Yeah, most definitely. They’re a little banged up and have had to move some guys around—from the defensive line moved over there and stuff. It will be a great challenge for our front. Everything starts with them. We’ve gotta control the line of scrimmage, win our 1-on-1 matchups in our pass rush games and set the tone with the big guys up front."

Q: Zay Flowers, what makes him so special?

"Just a really savvy route runner, has great short-area quickness. Great long speed, elite ball skills, tremendous play on that deep ball against Louisville this past game. Really veteran guy, really solid, does a lot of things really well."

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